Explore the brand new Headspace guides on Netflix!

Headspace, the famous meditation app with the symbol of an imperfect orange round, has created with Netflix a series of 8 episodes to divulge the useful and accessible practice of meditation.
No surprise this choice was made in the second year of the pandemic, when the image of this post probably activates automatic thoughts of yellow, red and orange areas, at least in Italy.
Mindfulness is becoming very popular, and while someone warns us of not falling into a McMindfulness approach, it is clear for people who practice mindfulness that it does not shut down your critical thinking skills making you become some kind of passive victim of another consumerist target. Mindfulness actually works in the direction of making you very aware, through developing a clear vision.
So what do you do this weekend?
Headspace guides are a wonderful opportunity for families to watch it together and plant seeds of a 'mindful revolution' within their household, between people who live together, including children.
Sometimes, people who practice mindfulness are the only ones in their families and it might be difficult to share the new awareness they experience with their beloved ones.
This series has short episodes with captivating animations and a friendly touch, all aspects that can make it a good bridge between someone who already experienced the benefits of mindfulness and others who are new to the topic.
A suggestion: not all the articles that describe and advertise this series are using a language that actually captured the meaning of mindfulness, so if you read that it will swipe away anxiety, you know that it's not exactly how it works.. Please let the videos do the work of guiding you through the exploration of the practice of meditation, and if you want to know more, start with Jon Kabat-Zinn's book 'Mindfulness for beginners'.