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Giovanna Fungi
7 dic 2022Tempo di lettura: 3 min
The power of a Christmas gift
On making choices that can change the World (and your kids' lives) When thinking of this time of the year, of Christmas and the related...

Giovanna Fungi
10 ott 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 min
We are human beings, not human doings
Today it's (mental) health day, start by celebrating the art of de-compression I thought it was very important to celebrate (mental)...

Giovanna Fungi
1 set 2022Tempo di lettura: 6 min
Back to school: embracing a new journey through the 'portals of discovery'
Dear school communities, here we go again, a brand new start in front of us, an open page, a #beginning as fresh as the air of early...

Giovanna Fungi
27 giu 2022Tempo di lettura: 1 min
'Arrivederci' to a new school year of growth
Wishing the whole community a happy holiday, with a taste of a project from ISMonza As another school year is coming to a close, I wish...

Giovanna Fungi
12 apr 2022Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Your exhaustion is not your fault
On chronic fatigue and the caress of allowing ourselves to be caring.. towards ourselves I was having a conversation with a parent today,...

Giovanna Fungi
1 mar 2022Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Being peace
In speechless moments like the one we are living, choose to be peace This is going to be a very short post, with the aim of providing our...

Giovanna Fungi
8 feb 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Today is Safer Internet Day 2022, how will you create balance onlife? Today is Safer Internet Day, and it is an opportunity to bring...

Giovanna Fungi
12 nov 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Is diversity the new normal?
Our journey into Inclusion (&Beyond) continues INCLUSION: WHY 'BEYOND'? The history of the vocabulary that was used to describe...

Giovanna Fungi
3 nov 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Opening of our first ever Inclusion&Beyond awareness month
A wonderful opportunity for speaking the same language as a community, and celebrate diversity! November, or should we say NEWvember? I...

Giovanna Fungi
8 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 6 min
I. Be.
On starting and completing IB studies, while finding one's own voice (an ongoing process) In the English language we have the expression,...

Giovanna Fungi
5 mag 2021Tempo di lettura: 3 min
A mum is like a garden 🌸
On being aware of your needs as a mother, expressing them, and a little gift (my mum ❤️) 9th of May, mother’s day. My mother inspires...

Giovanna Fungi
29 apr 2021Tempo di lettura: 4 min
“Honestly, I’m languishing.”
On new words and new ideas, what's your opinion? Remember that feeling when you wish that moment will never end, just like slowly...

Giovanna Fungi
27 mar 2021Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Earth-Hour, a love letter to the Earth
A little poem in English I wrote for young children, a video in Italian including a 'filastrocca' and a reading for the adults too: so we...

Giovanna Fungi
8 mar 2021Tempo di lettura: 4 min
March 8, Women's Day, let's talk about men.
An insight on healthy manhood “We need to keep all good things that are there about being a man, but also leave all those that need to...

Giovanna Fungi
16 gen 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Looking for a family moment this weekend?
Explore the brand new Headspace guides on Netflix! Surprise! Headspace, the famous meditation app with the symbol of an imperfect orange...

Giovanna Fungi
31 dic 2020Tempo di lettura: 4 min
When in doubt, choose HOPE
An open letter to 2020, and a soulful song as a wish for you all During the first lockdown, I received a WhatsApp message from a friend...

Giovanna Fungi
20 dic 2020Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Can Christmas be 'cancelled'?
On the power of words and the importance of values for mental health Today The Sunday Telegraph titles ‘Christmas cancelled’, and we all...

Giovanna Fungi
13 dic 2020Tempo di lettura: 5 min
As life gives us lemons, what shade of yellow are you?
On decision making, interconnectedness and freedom Yes, this year is very sour and life is giving us lots of lemons, to quote the...

Giovanna Fungi
5 dic 2020Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Stop and consider: leaders are not alone
On school Heads and SLTs, their position now and beyond, and expressing gratitude This week I have noticed some communications and...

Giovanna Fungi
29 nov 2020Tempo di lettura: 3 min
To do or to just be?
On Advent days, the value of waiting and the practice to be in the moment. In any cultural, secular, spiritual or personal way you are...
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