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Giovanna Fungi
29 apr 2021Tempo di lettura: 4 min
“Honestly, I’m languishing.”
On new words and new ideas, what's your opinion? Remember that feeling when you wish that moment will never end, just like slowly...

Giovanna Fungi
21 giu 2020Tempo di lettura: 2 min
I just called to say: thank you
As this exceptional school year is coming to a closure, what are you thankful for? As I am writing this post, Stevie Wonder's melody...

Giovanna Fungi
14 giu 2020Tempo di lettura: 1 min
💫 A journey into (personal) space
Three fun activities to transform distances in healthy ways of being together! What if there was a camp for space explorers? Not the...

Giovanna Fungi
11 mag 2020Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Play the self-regulation game ❄️
A new special mindfulness game for everyone to try: prepare an ice cube! Ready to do an #experiment? Also try it with the older kids,...

Giovanna Fungi
9 mag 2020Tempo di lettura: 6 min
Students' voice meets strengths spotting
A second article that describes students' answers to our survey, with a focus on data, values and character strengths Time for a second...

Giovanna Fungi
3 mag 2020Tempo di lettura: 7 min
What about teens? A call to action
The first article from our Survey on Students’ voice speaks openly to us adults who, in the words of Alberto Pellai, need to be role...

Giovanna Fungi
28 apr 2020Tempo di lettura: 6 min
Stop suffering, start living
A controintuitive, revelating lesson from the simplicity of meditation What happens when we experience something we enjoy? And what if...

Giovanna Fungi
26 apr 2020Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Breathe, it's Sunday!
The third video of Mindful Kiddies is out, enjoy it with your children We have a star in our hand ⭐️ This new video shows you a...

Giovanna Fungi
24 apr 2020Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Words of wisdom - Daniela Lucangeli part 2 of 3
VS: I hear many voices of parents noticing their are moving between the aspiration to relax with their children at last, and the...

Giovanna Fungi
24 apr 2020Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Words of wisdom - Daniela Lucangeli
Part one of three, Italian with English subtitles In this video, subtitled in English, we have the great opportunity to listen to the...

Giovanna Fungi
24 apr 2020Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Mindful Kiddies! 🌱Day two
Have a moment of calm with the Breathing Buddies game The second of the mindfulness games is a classic: breathing buddies. It is an easy...

Giovanna Fungi
22 apr 2020Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Mindful Kiddies! 🌱Day one
A brand new project of mindfuness activities for children (and parents) Sowing, cultivating: why waiting? Here is the first video of five...

Giovanna Fungi
14 apr 2020Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Teaching from distance
How can you promote wellbeing while meeting students through a screen? In order to practice 'closeness' learning, we need to start by...

Giovanna Fungi
8 apr 2020Tempo di lettura: 2 min
The power of flexibility
Activating the healthiest part of you, and how it's done. Today, I'd like to share with you a video that explains one important process...

Giovanna Fungi
4 apr 2020Tempo di lettura: 1 min
'Gruffalo stayed in the cave'
Check this link from The Guardian with cartoons produced by the creators of the Gruffalo, to help families talk social distancing and...

Giovanna Fungi
1 apr 2020Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Active coping calendar - April 2020
From Action for happiness, 30 days of active coping. Keep Calm, Stay Wise & Be Kind.

Giovanna Fungi
24 mar 2020Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Teaching today - from distance learning to 'closeness' learning
In this unexpected spring, the most beautiful flower is a word: closeness. A shared reflection on a necessary (ongoing) revolution In...
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