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💫 A journey into (personal) space

Immagine del redattore: Giovanna FungiGiovanna Fungi

Three fun activities to transform distances in healthy ways of being together!

What if there was a camp for space explorers?

Not the outer space, but personal space?

It is important for children to work on the #awareness of their body in space, it helps them to relate better, to move with confidence and care in different environments.

At this particular moment in our history, being aware of our personal space can help us transform distances into safe ways of being together (as dr. Paul Gilbert says, from social distancing to safe relating).

So important now that children will start attending summer #camps, and for the return to #school when summer will be over!

This video brings together three simple fun ideas to learn to see, or imagine, personal space.

What better time to explore personal space, while having fun?

P.S. A special #thank you to Ms Josephine Vassallo, ISMonza PYP teacher, who made me discover the book and used it with her students to help them cope with the lockdown!


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