Today is Safer Internet Day 2022, how will you create balance onlife?

Today is Safer Internet Day, and it is an opportunity to bring awareness to our life #onlife
Used as an adverb, onlife was coined by Italian philosopher Luciano Floridi and refers to all those concrete and factual experiences lived every day while remaining attached to digital and interactive devices and environments.
In short, it is an existential condition characterized by a non-clear distinction between real and virtual.
Living an onlife existence recalls the importance of digital citizenship and digital mindfulness as ways of being safe and healthy, at all ages, with particular reference to children and teenagers.
Many things are and have been said about this topic: feeling overwhelmed by information is indeed a characteristic of life onlife, and it reminds us that the best approach we can take starts from our own awareness of what our personal use of devices is and how we create a #balanced life onlife.
We can start by remembering that devices are of 'general-purpose' (designed to be able to carry out many different tasks): it is our full responsibility to choose how to use them. And there’s more: it is possible to use them to favor greater awareness. Our intention will shape what we do with them and how we will be affected by them.
We can’t think of excluding devices from life, but the educational community needs to choose a direction, to educate about it (D. Lucangeli). Let us celebrate Safer Internet Day by fostering our #awareness, stopping and noticing what we do and how, how frequently, and what messages we send to youths as educators, as responsible adults.
Here are three questions that can guide you while celebrating SID 2022:
How aware are you of your use of devices?
What is the narrative of devices that you use with your kids?
What is your idea of a #balanced life onlife?
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