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Words of wisdom - Daniela Lucangeli

Immagine del redattore: Giovanna FungiGiovanna Fungi

Part one of three, Italian with English subtitles

In this video, subtitled in English, we have the great opportunity to listen to the words of neuroscientist Daniela Lucangeli, from Universuty of Padua and very well known for her delicate and powerful approach when explaining the inner workings of the brain and the role of emotions in learning and education.

In this first video of three, Prof. Lucangeli answers the following question by journalist Valentina Santarpia (Corriere della Sera):

In this difficult period, how can we better manage our emotions and the ones of our children or teenagers who are forced to stay at home with us?

In the second post you'll listen to Prof. Lucangeli answering to the following question:

I hear many voices of parents noticing their are moving between the aspiration to relax with their children at last, and the necessity of keeping everything under control, giving rules, timetables. How can we balance, in what way can we conciliate both versions of the parents’ role?

In the third post you'll listen to Prof. Lucangeli answering to the following questions:

I feel that many would like to give to this period an almost cathartic value, which leaves me a bit perplexed. I’d like to ask you, an expert in the field, who has been studying this matter for years, to help me understand: are there things we can reflect on that can teach us something, or in the end the matter is resisting in the best way possible?
Before concluding, I ask you a last question because you mentioned something I think is important to underline. The need of kisses, hugs, human contact; how much do we miss it? Not only adults, but also young people, from a physical point of view? What is happening to us?

Here is a link to the bio of Professor Daniela Lucangeli:


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